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thoughts... thoughts....


flora 😭 78 days ago

Tim Henson give me a chance...

flora 🌱 482 days ago

New month. Favorite month

flora πŸ“š 486 days ago

neocities has been really slow and laggy lately i thought i had some kind of internet issue :(

flora ❀️ 491 days ago

i love spending my evening going through old lolita blogs and sites and window shopping and watching lolita wardrobe tours on youtube

flora πŸŒ™ 491 days ago

been really into black and whites lately might make a monochrome homepage whoops

flora 🌱 494 days ago

Happy first day of spring!

flora 🎢 508 days ago

my theme songs would be music from luna li’s jams EP

flora πŸ’‘ 514 days ago

Tetsu, Gackt, Klaha, Seth, and Juka on a track together Ξ£(O_O)..

flora πŸ˜‡ 541 days ago

Happy february and most importantly happy black history month! May february bring joy to all

flora 🎢 545 days ago

Taking matters into my own hands and figuring out how to make an instrumental of baiser en fleur

flora 😎 547 days ago


flora ❄️ 550 days ago

FINALLY SNOWING in what feels like ages it hasn’t seriously snowed in a year here

flora ✏️ 558 days ago

the more I work on my site in vscode the more anxious I am about my computer blowing up out of nowhere and me losing hours of work

flora 🌈 559 days ago

on the coding and studying grind

flora πŸ’€ 575 days ago

"just one hour of coding" turned into "its 1 am and my eyes are incredibly sore"

flora πŸ™‚ 578 days ago

Cleaning my room for the new year