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this is my (old) microblog


firos_nook 🤔 172 days ago

was there ever REALLY an era of internet that wasn't always trying to steal your data lowkey? *strokes my long beard cynically*

firos_nook 🔥 177 days ago

yo pass the aux *goes to*

firos_nook 😭 179 days ago

me: yeah i'm tough. anyone: *mentions rainbow bridge* me: AOAOOWOOWOOWOOOOOOWAAAUUUUHH!!!!!

firos_nook 🥹 183 days ago

i'm seeing the mitski x alvvays show on my literal anniversary w/ bae!!!!

firos_nook 🎬 184 days ago

i'm an a24hore for a24

firos_nook 🎬 186 days ago

whisper of the heart live action was too painful to finish. look how they massacred my boy

firos_nook 🎶 186 days ago

mitski and alvvays are playing together this summer... this is so firozah coded

firos_nook 🎶 188 days ago

gonna see DRY CLEANING in march!!!!!!!

firos_nook 💻 194 days ago

logging back into tumblr after like a decade is so crazy... i feel like indiana jone

firos_nook 🤔 196 days ago

who would win in a fight hello kitty or miffy

firos_nook 🐶 199 days ago

calling my dog "fart mouth" but pronounced like dartmouth

firos_nook 🌈 245 days ago

got my first faerie fountain quest ever and now i have a plushie cybunny!!!

firos_nook 🎁 254 days ago

happy birthday neopets

firos_nook ✨ 261 days ago

therapy. JUST DO IT!!!!

firos_nook ☀️ 262 days ago

an absolutely classic fall day. grey morning with damp, glistening sidewalks and a partly sunny, chilly afternoon. mother nature slayed

firos_nook 🍞 272 days ago

“scooped gluten-free bagel” that’s a banana peel dawg

firos_nook 💀 272 days ago

the epidemic of millennials saying “out of pocket” when they mean “out of office”

firos_nook 🌮 277 days ago

making lentils and i'll never forget when my mom (white) went to chipotle for the first time and asked if they had lentils

firos_nook 💻 277 days ago

added to my blog!