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felisss 😴 143 days ago

How we feeling folks it's night night time :)

felisss 🙂 149 days ago

Sometimes I wish my mom would pay more attention to me instead of her 'boyfriend' (who she doesn't like but talks to 24/7)

felisss 🤩 151 days ago

Not even an hour with my mom and I'm already done

felisss ❤️ 152 days ago

Heartstopper :)

felisss 🙂 153 days ago

I swear im trying my best

felisss 💀 153 days ago

What am I even good for if i can't even fold pants right or make Mac and cheese the right way? Two of the easiest things in the world.

felisss 🧋 153 days ago

Got ice cream:)