waking up from winter..... finally starting to feel alive again

- Homepage
- https://featherfae.neocities.org/
- featherfae0@gmail.com
- About
- hallo, i'm fae and i'm just playing around! one day i'll get around to adding style to this page, but not yet lol
wife's mad bc she's sick bc she's worked herself into the damn ground. girl i told you this would happen
i really like helping ppl mend their clothes actually hell yeah ps i wish there was a needle n thread icon here lol
would L O V E if my IT department actually solved the problems students are coming to me with .-.
i'm going to JAPAN this year WHAT
the moon phase widgit site is down???
i fricken am killing having a webedsite recently got my huge ass shrine to my favourite books from being a kid up and im THRILLED
we're into month 3 of living in the new house and tbh it's still kind of a disaster in here ahhhhhh
damn... got my computer finally and my website looks like TRASH when it's not on my massive work monitors.... god damn it
okay, so TODAY i'm gonna get a computer at home instead of just having one at the office (god blease let it finally be delivered today)
my last day of work before holiday break...... god please let me outta here
reading wayback captures of the forum I used to spend all my time on in like 2010-2011 has me feeling some typa way
i want to add something to my site but idk what :/
wore my house sandals to work today... so that's the kind of morning I'm having lol
couch is getting delivered tomorrow!!!! comfy mode about to be activated!!!!!!
so close.... to having a computer at home...... instead of just at the office................
bros i GOTTA unpack all my clothes this week it's TOO COLD to only have worn out corderouys and sweaters
IMPORTANT ADDITION: i mean actual unpacking sucks ass! the game unpacking is a personal favourite u should all play
fuck unpacking this shit so ass