me, double spacing all my code: i'm going to get such a good grade in website guys
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- here for the laughs and the cries, y'know?
waiting for the weather to start
love staying home on holidays
doing my taxes survivor
new orville peck music when?
i miss not having a cold
successfully installed linux on my 10ish year old laptop
we love a lazy sunday for coding
1970s tv is where it's at
every part of my body hurts in a fun and interesting way love it
the kittens are a month old this satuday!!!
the night before your day off is a great time
hot water heater broke no hot water :((
i should learn how to sew so i can mend my oldest sweatshirt that's full of holes and the pocket is falling off
time to baha the blast
finally got something to backup my music~
why did me knees immediately stop working when i turned thirty i demand a refund
having a real gayle waters-waters WE CAN'T LET PEOPLE KNOW WE SIT moment
it's march 5th why am i cold still???
just uninstalled spotify haha get fucked