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f66x 📰 3 days ago

Updated Merch Page

f66x ✅ 13 days ago

Added links to Events page.

f66x 📰 22 days ago

Added another new playlist to resources.

f66x ✅ 23 days ago

Added videos by TheSamUtari including a video summary in Resources and their full playlist.

f66x ✅ 24 days ago

Added a JP playlist to the Weapon Stories page.

f66x ✅ 38 days ago

Added link in Music

f66x ✏️ 44 days ago

There is a new JP Life in the Cage!

f66x ✅ 57 days ago

Replaced some links in the ROD page. Thank you Stickbrush!

f66x ✏️ 58 days ago

Cleaned out and replaced dead links

f66x 🎤 58 days ago

Working (once more) on the music section and anything else that was hit by the takedown of AliceM's channel.

f66x ✅ 68 days ago

Added to the Other Librarians page.

f66x 📰 75 days ago

Added a link in Trailers + Other Librarians

f66x 📰 75 days ago

Now you can Email us!

f66x 📰 76 days ago

Added a link in Card Stories!

f66x 📰 78 days ago

Updated the Main Stories page.

f66x 📰 82 days ago

Disregard the previous message! The guestbook is back online!

f66x 📰 82 days ago

Guest book services are defunct at the moment due to 123guestbook shutting down.

f66x ✅ 83 days ago

Added a Japanese playlist to Events.

f66x ✅ 84 days ago

Also added a playlist to Trailers!

f66x ✅ 84 days ago

Edits have been made to the Voice section of the Music page!

Older statuses