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exiocide ❄️ 164 days ago

at least there are always ppl to talk to about problems that are small

exiocide 💔 167 days ago

sometimes everyday is too much the same

exiocide 💡 388 days ago

very curious. my dreams have been so interesting lately. i've felt so many sparks.........

exiocide ☕️ 427 days ago

true crime docs are literally the best when you have nothing else to do

exiocide ✨ 431 days ago

thinking about changing my site to something that works on mobile... essentially simpler? would take a lot of time. decisions decisions.

exiocide ✨ 431 days ago

still so sleepy, but we're workin thru it. hopefully i start feeling better soon.

exiocide 💤 432 days ago

going to beddddddd goodnighttt

exiocide ✨ 433 days ago

twitter is gone and i feel so much better lolllllll

exiocide ☀️ 433 days ago

about to play some ow, i'm pretty sleepy tho.