Buying a house in FFXIV: ❌ Buying a flying magicked children's bed for the same price: ✅

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- Hello!! 🌟 I'm a real anime girl uwu owo and stuff like that. I like cute things but also complicated ones, like computers and the Japanese language. If you use Linux you make me happy. 💖
Thinking about proposing to Zhloe Aliapoh from Final Fantasy XIV rn because I love her and I'll make sure to feed her well! 💝
Just finished the first Final Fantasy! I expected a lot worse! I can see why it was considered a masterpiece back in 1987!
The Cyberia is real. Lain predicted everything.
I just lost whamageddon because some stupid lalafell was playing the forbidden song in FFXIV.
Man, I really want a Counterweight Trebuchet for Christmas this year...
Finished Zelda Echoes of Wisdom. Great game, I loved it! Also, final boss defeated in hard mode without dying even once.
Dear Dream Diary, Tonight I had a lucid dream and I was able to maintain control of things. Finally.
Call me weird, but I'm glad Palworld got sued. It stole everything from Pokémon, Fortnite and Zelda to make an addicting uncreative mess.
ジュリエットレイクー🎵 ジュリエットレイク〜🎶 風と光りと君がいるー🎵 ラリラリラ〜🎶
Happy Cirn⑨ day!!
Today even the sky is crying...
Just beaten Castle of the Winds Part 1! It's an old roguelike from Epic Games, released in 1993!
Just finished doing a genocide route in Undertale. I completed the last battle in roughly 1h30m!
Placed 4th out of 8 players at my local Pokémon TCG League. Got the promotional Worlds Pikachu card!
Italy in the finals of Pokémon World Championships 2024!!!
About to play some Another Code: Recollection!!
Just finished chapter 2 of The coffin of Andy and Leyley! Aww it was so cute **