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ephemerium 🎁 619 days ago

Ten of my butterfly specimens + some of the bell jar display stuff came in today and I got loads of new stickers :D

ephemerium 😭 620 days ago

The ramen place was so loud

ephemerium 🙂 620 days ago

Been vacationing in Yodieland since 10am

ephemerium 🥱 621 days ago

I called out of work for an hour so I could sleep 😵‍💫 if they give me shit for it imma just walk out

ephemerium 😶 621 days ago

Feel like karma's gonna start catching up to me...

ephemerium 🙂 621 days ago

I'm smacked rn fucking up these sushi rolls like my life depends on it. Munchies + haven't eaten since ln is making me an unstoppable force

ephemerium 🥰 621 days ago

Made solid and tentative plans with some of my locals! We're getting sushi on Monday. And I might see RHPS live in January w/ an old friend!

ephemerium 🌙 639 days ago

Hung out with some friends tn :D

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