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envyofthestars 🥱 1 day ago

Going to my physical at 1pm! I hope everything goes decent, a little tired from staying up

envyofthestars 🙂 8 days ago

i actually hate being surrounded by people im so tired of constantly reassuring him

envyofthestars 🙂 132 days ago

school sucks I lowkey gave up a while ago trying, only good thing there is my math class cuz my teacher doesn't give a fuck

envyofthestars 🎤 289 days ago

i want to make music but at the same time i dont

envyofthestars 🌧️ 539 days ago

new face a blue sky and some kisses

envyofthestars 🤔 571 days ago

i wonder what im going to get on my birthday..