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eneco 🥹 1 day ago

fantrolliumheads we are so back

eneco 💀 45 days ago


eneco 🌧️ 69 days ago


eneco ☀️ 100 days ago

spring is here again! it's warm out! love is real!

eneco 💀 106 days ago

the grind never fucking stops

eneco 🎶 114 days ago

you can only blame your problems on the world so long, before it all becomes the same old song..

eneco 🍾 119 days ago

6 months with wife :)

eneco 🌧️ 120 days ago

my throat is still sore and i'm sad

eneco 👽 122 days ago

i have a sore throat

eneco 😭 123 days ago

so many exams and projects... so little time. :(

eneco ☕️ 212 days ago

or rather, milk inside a bag of milk inside...

eneco 🐱 234 days ago

i'm sleepy... but i want to keep designing my sona! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

eneco 🥺 246 days ago

home for thanksgiving.. but its barely a break bcos i have an exam the day i get back

eneco 🍾 255 days ago

pretty much done with music page... now working on simple art info page

eneco 🎶 257 days ago

working on a music page! (^・ω・^ )

eneco 🥹 257 days ago

i didn't get any work done yesterday and i felt really bad about it??? i guess this is my workaholic era, what a bizarre feeling... (╥_╥)

eneco 📚 259 days ago

exam next friday... playtest next friday... the grind never stops... (;′⌒`)

eneco 🏆 262 days ago

i finished my exam! ψ(`∇´)ψ with little casualties... now i only have playtesting and chilltimes >:)

eneco 🌧️ 270 days ago

i'm very sleepy and i have exams soon, and the weather's been gloomy, but i hope it'll be nice again soon

eneco 🥺 276 days ago

huh... what do you mean i'm halfway through the semester already... what did you mean by this

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