a lot of people associate Sharpies with permanent markers, but i recently discovered they make pens too.

- Homepage
- https://elite784.online
- elite784@outlook.com
- About
- hello im elite, i have a status.cafe and i use it in my website!
to correct my last status: found this sharpie *highlighter* with this cool ass looking tip lying in the trash [final part omitted]
found this sharpie with this cool ass looking tip lying in the trash (one man trash is another's property)
made my own profile on my site because social media about me's suck ass!
i probably hit a nerve
adding more to my last status update: the pain has spread from my pinky to the finger next to the pinky ;;
woke up from a nap in the car, came out and shut the fucking car door on my pinky ;;
holy snit i figured out how to make a responsive page!!
oh cool dimden, everything works again i think
oh cool dimden, your server is returning an error 520. my guestbook dont worky becuase of an ssl error.
watch out, theres an ez-pass scam going around!
watch out, theres an ez-pass scam going around!
sprucing up my melonland forum profile!
just discovered that catbyte has an egg page on melon forums. it tastes like eggs and cat fur.
gotta update the mobile page
should make a resources page i think
want to redesign my little website logo to incorporate my protogen in it
cleaning up my email accounds
firefox :3
why do i feel sleepy today..? (==)zzz