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hello im elite


eliteproot784 😭 7 days ago

i heard a power line explode somewhere...

eliteproot784 πŸ™‚ 12 days ago

so my vhs capture computer decided to kill itself while i was installing windows xp. just great.. new motherboard needed, not enough moners

eliteproot784 🎢 13 days ago

heard shooting star playing somewhere, nice

eliteproot784 🀩 14 days ago

i found a dollar in a parking lot

eliteproot784 πŸ˜‡ 15 days ago

finally taking a break from discord to do my other things. thing 1: work on my sites that hasnt been updated in 2 month (cite: TheDirectory)

eliteproot784 πŸ’» 17 days ago

going to a funeral soon, but i finally found some cromulent video compression software

eliteproot784 πŸ“Ί 17 days ago

i think i finally found some cromulent capturing software

eliteproot784 πŸ™‚ 37 days ago

i want y’all to send me songs i should listen to

eliteproot784 😴 50 days ago

i want to start waking up more earlier

eliteproot784 😑 51 days ago

blackmailed. i have been blackmailed.

eliteproot784 πŸ₯± 51 days ago

i should work on my website it’s beeen weeks

eliteproot784 ✏️ 55 days ago

i'm updating my status on the iphone 1. i have nothig special to say

eliteproot784 🎁 64 days ago

i ordered a lot of 6 vhs tapes on eabay and anpther captre card just in case the current one dies for no reason

eliteproot784 πŸ₯± 70 days ago

so tired, but i finished the third wave.

eliteproot784 ✏️ 71 days ago

final exams wave 2/3: spanish and math. ;;

eliteproot784 ✏️ 72 days ago

final exams wave 1/3: english and history. absolutely fucked :')

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