like some other things in life, even when pizza is bad, it is still pretty good
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srsly confused between the 34th and 35th Rule of Acquisition
today was less fun than it should have been
im just gonna walk the earth and have adventures and shit
I was productive. Now what to do with the other 23 hours and 55 minutes of the day?
the list of things I'm not doing today grows
I'm guessing this eclipse sun moon thing is some vague vampire reference for some book hollywood really marketing stuff
why is it that i always find stuff in the last place i look?
why up so early?
🎼 look down...look down...don't look 'em in the eye...look down...look're here until you die ♬
i'm not going to school today 40+ years of dat shit enuff
fence comes down; now whut
i have a monday morning computer wakee wakee
hookin pa nub in aw the wong paces
bike ride complete; death postponed
maybe springtime maybe
recommendation: retire. just fucking quit. fuck off all day, no boss, no deadlines, just fuckkit. no one gets out alive, so fuck this shit
free advice is seldom worth the price
weekend plans fukkit whatevs
rain = electricity this summer