alas, i have exhausted all my fucks I had to give
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look. i sold something on eBay
who knew planning a vacay would be so complicated
i inherited a digital pencil for my iPad. Wonder what it can do?
11. Fuck Louisiana
i have a werwy gwood fwend fwom wome named biggus dickus
need pivo
demolition complete. i really like tearing worthless sh*t apart, and throwing it all the f*ck away.
snoopy come home
My dad's dead, my FIL dead, my kids dead. Happy father's day, hallmark.
Me today: "I'll be more productive tomorrow." Also me tomorrow: "I'll be more productive tomorrow."
another fine day of fucking off until the sun appears over the yardarm
sure wish i knew wtf I'm getting into
there's something wrong with me when i realize I'm pissed off about not being pissed off about the rain. that realization pisses me off
can't tell you how much i enjoy talking to banks on the phone
Step 1: schedule a nap. Step 2: take nap. Step 3: goto step 1.
I came; I saw; I cleaned the place the fuck up
and poof there goes another metric fucktonne of money on a vacation. at this rate I won't have any left to take with me when i die
I need a vacay to recover from my vacay
went out to see the aurora last night, got a great view of my neighbor's new security floodlights that were on all night. fml