I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive! 45h of work, and then 45h of sounddesign for the last week + working on album (soooooon released!)
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- https://effe-tei.nekoweb.org/
- effeteiai@gmail.com
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I've lived through day! Working with sound design for certain scenes from The Irishman as a homework. Will share probably on website soon :)
Grey unnecessary cold neutral october's morning
Two days of super extensive main work. So fucking tired. But sound design courses make me feel a lot happier
Came back to office today. So lazy because of this october's weather. It's always like 25C yesterday, and 7C today on temp >(
Floating Points album is 50% ready also!
Feed The Gods playtest has finished. I will prepare the new post regarding soundtrack on this week
Feed The Gods playtest tomorrow! New OST and UI sounds are inside the build. It was tough two days
Yes. I was able to rewrite the whole OST from scratch, and even put it into the engine, and eeeven tested! Couple of edits today left
I somehow fucked up the whole FTG project, gosh. Wish me luck to rewrite it from scratch by the morning lol
Incredibly tired today. Did so much work, and visited the first class of sound design lessons. Starting to feel somewhat happy
Brain kinda melts. Updated the site today as if I wrote it from the scratch! Hope someone will mention this some day
Updated the player, portfolio, and have added status block to the menu! I'm happy for today :)