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he/it, 22


eclecticjace 🌧️ 75 days ago

ive been sick for over a week im so over it

eclecticjace 💀 81 days ago

midnight gospel is neat, wish it hadn't been cancelled

eclecticjace 🔥 86 days ago

leg busted at sick new world

eclecticjace 🤔 97 days ago

do they actually play emo music at emo night is the question

eclecticjace 🎤 111 days ago

nothing like watching 5 hrs of music videos for "research"

eclecticjace 🙃 114 days ago

the room is so bad i'm kind of obsessed

eclecticjace 😱 125 days ago

camp damascus FUCKS holy shit

eclecticjace 😴 126 days ago

got woken up by my alarm to go get my t-shot this morning