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dykeism 😱 131 days ago

maturing is realizing that lupini beans are very yummy

dykeism 😱 135 days ago

me when i learn the hard way that starving yourself makes your guts hurt (a lesson i keep having to relearn)

dykeism 🧐 136 days ago

i stopped plucking my boob hairs a couple months ago to see how many i had and how long they could get... fascinating

dykeism 🥺 143 days ago

does anyone wanna be email penpals...

dykeism 🤔 150 days ago

do you think god would smite me if i tried to invent a perpetual motion machine

dykeism 😯 154 days ago

i thought it was normal for ur butthole to be slimy after u poop but it turns out thats just me