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dstbnnyjp 🎶 8 hours ago

SMILE! :D day today!!

dstbnnyjp ✨ 7 days ago

ok i fixed the deploy to neocities problem, github actions were just being fucky for some reason lol

dstbnnyjp 😡 8 days ago

is Deploy to Neocities on github not working or did i heck something up??

dstbnnyjp 💤 9 days ago

writing makes me sleepy for some reason zzz mimimimi

dstbnnyjp ✏️ 11 days ago

i stopped journaling for a bit but i'm starting to get back into it again

dstbnnyjp 🔥 16 days ago

omg it's so mISERABLY HOT RN

dstbnnyjp ✏️ 19 days ago

must. write about. rpg maker games. >.<

dstbnnyjp 🤔 23 days ago

now that i've finished the sample instrument i'm in the phase of looking for a new project to dump all of my time into lol

dstbnnyjp 😎 31 days ago

the sampler instrument i'm working on is VERY close to being done! super excited to share it with everyone!

dstbnnyjp 🤔 36 days ago

man, lately i wanna do so many things at once! if i could just duplicate myself..

dstbnnyjp 🙃 49 days ago

been playing guitar for almost 10 years and JUST learned that i've been picking wrong and that's why it hurts to play for long lol

dstbnnyjp 🙃 51 days ago

somehow hecked my headphone cable (again) and now i have to re-solder the wire connections.. AGAIN

dstbnnyjp 😭 57 days ago

make a sample library i said, it'll be fun and easy i said, recording every patch on this toy keyboard won't take a million years i said lol

dstbnnyjp ✏️ 66 days ago

finally feeling in a write-y mood again so i think i'm gonna work on those RPG Maker game write-ups!

dstbnnyjp 😯 67 days ago

my bass strings have been so dead lately (think i spilled gin on it last week LOL), just boiled them, hopefully the tone'll last

dstbnnyjp 🎶 70 days ago

can NOT believe it took me this long to listen to plastic death by glass beach, fUCK

dstbnnyjp 🥰 71 days ago

i've never felt more connected online than i have this past year with engaging with the more personal side of the web

dstbnnyjp 🥰 74 days ago

was messing around w/ SynthV last night, soooo fun!

dstbnnyjp 🥱 76 days ago

one day at an anime convention is enough social interaction for the rest of the month, i think lmao

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