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My name is Douglas and I am in my mid-40s, married with three children, and currently reside near Grand Rapids, Michigan. I have called Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Michigan, Texas and Oregon my home at points in my life. I am a toddler wrangler and diaper technician (a.k.a.: stay at home dad), a fan of all things tech, self-taught computer programmer, an amateur photographer, fanatic about sports, and a gamer. I am a super ultra lefty, an ally to the LGBTQ+ community, and a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement. I am also an advocate of the Personal Web (Web 1.0).

I have been using the Information Super Highway (laser sounds intensify!) in one form or another since 1996. After learning basic HTML, I created personal websites on Geocities, Angelfire, and Tripod. I feel that those were the best days of the internet, before the corporate take over.


dougsshack 💾 78 days ago

I've added GusBus Space" target="_blank"> to my Shack Neighbors

dougsshack 💀 87 days ago

I've known my wife for 25 years and have been married for almost 12. She's never seen me have a panic attack until last night.

dougsshack 🙂 89 days ago

2025! Wow. I remember when that was a "futuristic" year.

dougsshack 🎬 90 days ago

I took my kids to see Sonic 3. It was a fun afternoon of silliness.

dougsshack 🎶 95 days ago

Added a random quote in my sidebar to display quotes, lines from poems and lyrics, etc. Next: save updates to use as a microblog

dougsshack 😎 95 days ago

Finally added pagination to my blog system.

dougsshack 😂 96 days ago

We let our kids open gifts on Christmas Eve - specifically so they're not waking us up at 5am Christmas morning.

dougsshack 🙂 99 days ago

Writing lyrics and doing laundry.

dougsshack 💻 100 days ago

About to play Stellaris with my son. Galactic domination awaits!

dougsshack ✏️ 101 days ago

Two hour delay for the kids, so I sat and wrote some early morning poetry.

dougsshack ❄️ 102 days ago

Peace, love, and burritos.