Let it snow!

- Homepage
- https://dsserv.net/
- Not defined
- About
My name is Douglas and I am in my mid-40s, married with three children, and currently reside near Grand Rapids, Michigan. I have called Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Michigan, Texas and Oregon my home at points in my life. I am a toddler wrangler and diaper technician (a.k.a.: stay at home dad), a fan of all things tech, self-taught computer programmer, an amateur photographer, fanatic about sports, and a gamer. I am a super ultra lefty, an ally to the LGBTQ+ community, and a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement. I am also an advocate of the Personal Web (Web 1.0).
I have been using the Information Super Highway (laser sounds intensify!) in one form or another since 1996. After learning basic HTML, I created personal websites on Geocities, Angelfire, and Tripod. I feel that those were the best days of the internet, before the corporate take over.
I've added GusBus Space https://gusbus.space/" target="_blank">https://gusbus.space/ to my Shack Neighbors https://gusbus.space/
I've added GusBus Space https://saltuarium.neocities.org/ to my Shack Neighbors https://gusbus.space/
I've added The Menagerie https://saltuarium.neocities.org/ to my Shack Neighbors https://dsserv.net/neighbors/
I've added The Menagerie (https://saltuarium.neocities.org/) to my Shack Neighbors (https://dsserv.net/neighbors/)
I've known my wife for 25 years and have been married for almost 12. She's never seen me have a panic attack until last night.
2025! Wow. I remember when that was a "futuristic" year.
I took my kids to see Sonic 3. It was a fun afternoon of silliness.
Added a random quote in my sidebar to display quotes, lines from poems and lyrics, etc. Next: save status.cafe updates to use as a microblog
Finally added pagination to my blog system.
We let our kids open gifts on Christmas Eve - specifically so they're not waking us up at 5am Christmas morning.
Writing lyrics and doing laundry.
About to play Stellaris with my son. Galactic domination awaits!
Two hour delay for the kids, so I sat and wrote some early morning poetry.
Peace, love, and burritos.