doomed_user ☀️ 1 hour ago
pdx chillin
AHHHHHHHHHH (writing in my diary)
coffee at coava trying to be calm
about to leave for the airport AGAIN
i don't want to do anything
i sort of feel like doing things for the first time in weeks and it's almost worse than wanting to do nothing at all
a staycation with a dear friend who is helping me fight my addiction
actually feeling not-so-bad today
stressed out
such a waste
just one could kill the pain
note to self: 16oz of coffee is very nearly always too much; silence, tachycardia !
trying to stay hydrated w 6 stitches in my lip is H A R D
lookin for love in all the wrong places
no sleep for 24+ hours :'^)
got me meds!
i don't want to anymore