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dog ☀️ 10 days ago

I may still be alive! Updated my site, playing lots of DRG, daydreaming about moving in with my partner.

dog 🌧️ 255 days ago

I redid the layout of my whole blog, more in line with what I'd like.

dog 🌱 255 days ago

debating re-doing the aesthetic of this blog, i feel like this one may have been a bit more edgy than i intended :)

dog 💻 255 days ago

Got a Bluetooth keyboard for my iPad and now I’m unstoppable. I imagine I’ll actually make more blog entries now. Probably…

dog 🥳 263 days ago

Haven't updated my site in a while but for once, good things are truly happening to me. Just need to save up some more.

dog ☕️ 311 days ago

eating indian food, got some chai, and getting back to updating my site :)

dog ❤️ 342 days ago

flexbox is becoming my new love

dog 🌙 343 days ago

I created my first blog post, check it out. I wrote while listening to fireplace sounds through the player I added, it was really soothing.

dog 🎱 343 days ago

Just made this account for my blog :)