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hello i'm cc!
28 / any pronouns / australia

i write fanfic and draw fanart for TF2 and RGG/Like A Dragon/ Yakuza. i also code for fun!


debtdeath 🥹 234 days ago

added a little update on my site (probs last one for 2023). free palestine! 🇵🇸

debtdeath 🎷 269 days ago

finished doing my taxes

debtdeath 📚 274 days ago

gotta do my taxes

debtdeath 🎷 274 days ago

who up listening to Music

debtdeath ☕️ 284 days ago

oops last time i updated my website was a month ago... well i've made an update now so im pretty pleased with myself

debtdeath 💀 288 days ago

need people to stop spelling it "seggs" i hate cutesy tiktok censorship

debtdeath 🙂 292 days ago

watching da cars beep beep

debtdeath 🍏 312 days ago

back 2 WORK im gonna slow down on website updates a bit...

debtdeath 🙂 315 days ago

da weekend soon...

debtdeath ☕️ 318 days ago

vibrating from too much coffee

debtdeath 🤩 321 days ago

oooooo just had the greatest idea. i need to make a website button that looks like a vanity license plate ffFFFFF

debtdeath ✏️ 334 days ago

rotating fic ideas inside my big head

debtdeath ☀️ 340 days ago

was under the sun too long without a hat and sunglasses and got a headache... in winter..... australia sure doesnt fuck around

debtdeath 🏂 349 days ago

realised i never put a sports category in the interests section of my about page... time to fix that

debtdeath 🌙 349 days ago

think im gonna add a dark/light mode toggle button on my website

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