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danny 🙂 57 days ago

watching seven year itch... literally the 'stay away from her get a job meme'

danny 💤 59 days ago

lazy wednesday

danny ☀️ 68 days ago


danny 😶 72 days ago

job interview tmrw

danny 🙃 74 days ago

at least my period won't be when i'm on holiday next week

danny 💔 77 days ago

looking at perfume samples

danny 🤩 80 days ago

FUCKKK sooo tired... what if i... went to bed at 5pm

danny 🚄 89 days ago

visiting my home town for the week

danny 😭 93 days ago

nervous about my blood test tmrw... i need to take the bus out of town for it

danny 🥱 93 days ago

hanging out in my dorm cuz i have nothing else to do rn

danny 💤 95 days ago

woke up at 11am... today is wasted </3

danny 😶 96 days ago

had a full body massage for the first time ever. i've had tension relieved in places i didn't even know i had tension

danny 📖 97 days ago

i need to tidy up. i can't even see my dorm floor anymore.