has anyone tried the minigames on http://designfreaks.net ? i love them so much!

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- https://danieljason.de
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- About
Photo: Daniel Jason
Status.Cafe ‒ The user named Daniel Jason (29) has been on the internet since around 2006 and startet doing webdesign things in 2007.
If you're looking for resources, such as:
- textures
- backgrounds / patterns
- emoticons
- designs
- cutouts/pngs
- a stamp maker
- & more to use for your graphics or website, visit our website:
im going to see Billie Eilish in two months AAAAAAAH i think i'm gonna wear something blue for the concert. 💙
i started decluttering a bit at home. so theoretically i’ve started spring cleaning.. i guess
istg im so ducking fried from work today i just wanna lay in bed for 13 hours without talking to anyone
i have a cold. AGAIN. tell me you work in a kindergarten without telling me you work in a kindergarten (ಠʖ̯ಠ)
y'all refresh your caches! spring is a month away but we couldn't wait any longer! EFF winter, honestly (ง •̀_•́)ง
i'm finally able to sell my stupid car with its stupid engine damage, not getting any stupid money for it, sighhhhhhhhhhhh
"Your resilience will turn struggles into victories." our fortune cookie said and I found 5€ on the pavement. 💵 thanks fortune cookie! 🍪
got some steps in today, had a few French lessons, played Valorant and treated myself to some chocolate!
starting my weightloss journey 2.0 - imagine me not having a yoyo effect afterwards this time. LMAO
i was at my dads house yesterday and i had to go there by TRAIN. ugh. did NOT miss the smell of sweat and desperation.
i got my walking pad out and did 6.000 steps while watching Drag Race. also did 2 hours of duolingo in the morning. what a sunday LMAO
rewatching a letsplay of "rule of rose".. it's just that good. also love "track 11" from the soundtrackkkk
okay, so my dioptres have worsened by -0.75 on both eyes and I am officially blind as a bat 🦇 thinking about getting them lasered...
"golden bachelor" is probably THE best show to put on if you want to fall asleep quickly while something is playing in the background LMAO
The problem with my car has been solved: I'm going to sell it. Stupid thing. Love our Fun Corner, it's so fun!! What do you think?? <33
this week has been a rough week and its ONLY TUESDAY. GIVE ME A BREAK.
alriiight, my car is getting repaired starting today. if you listen carefully, you can hear my bank account crying.
Happy New Year ❤️
Update: My car has engine damage and the repair will cost somewhere between 2 and 5 thousand euros. Can someone hit me with a frying pan?