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daedrms 🙂 148 days ago

new article on daedrms, also working on the game shelf page!!!! trying something new :P and updated my button!

daedrms 🙂 149 days ago

new article out on my main page :3

daedrms 🙂 157 days ago

work project done :') now I have to do student org stuff, important with incoming laws that'll impact the trans community.

daedrms 🙂 160 days ago

almost done with a huge work project!!! last session :) then back to mostly web & school stuff!!

daedrms 🙂 163 days ago

happy v-day!!! blog pages & other stuff are out :p hope u all have a wonderful day!

daedrms 🙂 165 days ago

made (+ updated) the updates page! next thing is moving my good ol' webrings! :)

daedrms 🙂 166 days ago

got a new phone! on top of that i've started to work on the about me page, and then i think next i'll work on the updates page!

daedrms 😛 167 days ago

got a new phone!

daedrms 🙂 168 days ago

Spring semester has started, but my phone bricked :(

daedrms 😭 236 days ago


daedrms 🥳 298 days ago

show ur pride <3

daedrms ❤️ 322 days ago


daedrms 😛 332 days ago

at college!!!!

daedrms 🥹 343 days ago

On a SLIGHT hiatus till september :P

daedrms ❤️ 348 days ago

taking a break till sept to prep for college!!! see u soon

daedrms ✨ 363 days ago

thrifting the stress awayy

daedrms 😴 364 days ago

need a break from traveling x.x

daedrms 😶 370 days ago

sleepy but grinding out pikmin 4

daedrms 😛 371 days ago

pikmin 4 time :D

daedrms 🤩 372 days ago


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