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cybertomboy 🙃 21 days ago

holy fuck, i haven't done shit on my website in months. Life's been busy yo, y'know how it is.

cybertomboy 👽 55 days ago

finally got internet again looool currently need to update the fanfiction shit, will be moving at a snail pace (working on an original fic)

cybertomboy 😎 115 days ago

i've returned from my coffin... decided to update the site layout with something cooler. Still working on some other stuff to come !!

cybertomboy 👀 141 days ago

working on getting my id renewed so i can finally order a themed drink for the jekyll and hyde musical lmaoo

cybertomboy 🥹 145 days ago

Just finished watching Righteous Robot's Gruff short movie. The wait was so worth ittt!!! Had me bawling my eyes out at the end!

cybertomboy 🤔 148 days ago

i should've let the brown recluse spider we found at work in the tartar sauce bowl today bite me for the 0.5% chance to become spiderman.

cybertomboy 🤒 152 days ago

I'm sick, siiiiiiccckkk i got the flu boyss, my eyeballs hurt so mucchchchchhcc

cybertomboy 👽 156 days ago

i can't wait to be one of those nerdy, sleep deprived scientists who rot away in their sterilized labs.

cybertomboy 🙂 161 days ago

Life has been so nice and peaceful <3 a song change seems fitting :) Also guess who just turned 21!!!

cybertomboy ☀️ 161 days ago

Life has been so nice and peaceful <3 a song change seems fitting :)

cybertomboy 🐱 177 days ago

RIP ricky potts, you would've loved fanfiction

cybertomboy ☀️ 178 days ago

finished the caseoh art! now i gotta send it hell yea, also going to make a page for my art

cybertomboy 🙂 178 days ago

finished the caseoh art! now i gotta send it hell yea, also going to make a page for my art

cybertomboy 🌈 178 days ago

finished the caseoh art! now i gotta send it hell yea also going to make page to show art

cybertomboy 🥺 180 days ago

added a new page for random thoughts, have fun pookies

cybertomboy 🥺 180 days ago

added a new page for random thought, have fun pookies

cybertomboy 👀 180 days ago

i got a couple new materials to add to the library hehehe

cybertomboy 👽 180 days ago

working on a little thingy to send caseoh <3

cybertomboy 😎 182 days ago

Watching Imdontai play batman arkham origins woooo