Well… THAT just happened…

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- cyadical@gmail.com
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Primary Colored Champion
My Current Mood Is:
Filegarden is up again woohoo! My site is back to normal :) back to coding!
Sorry my stuff isn’t appearing filegarden isn’t working if it doesn’t straighten out in a month I’ll fix it, but for now I leave it and wait
Currently working on trying to 100% all the Ty the Tasmanian Tiger games
My doctors appointment went well exciting things coming this year, getting help. I’m overwhelmed at the moment.
Doctors appointment and a lot of other stuff coming up I’ll be busy with may not be as active. A bit nervous and excited at the same time
Going to see the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie with awesome people! Great way to spend the holidays
Learning more about voice impressions. I often did them for fun, but it’s neat learning about it more properly. Definitely gonna practice
I'm goin' down to South Park, gonna have myself a time. Friendly faces everywhere, humble folks without temptation!
Recovering from a bad mental state I was in for a couple months and learning how to talk about my feelings better instead of bottling it up
Protecting Skylands with Hale (GarlicGoat) we will return from our adventures soon!
Busy with family members and enjoying the rest of the summer while it last! Replies will be slow.
My birthday is coming up and to celebrate I updated my YouTube channel and my all my links list website layout to be my favorite color (Red)
Just rewatched detective Pikachu and now I’m in the Pokémon mood! I love how they portrayed the Pokémon in the movie and want more of it!
Can’t believe it! Zootopia 2! I’m very excited for it! Especially for the snake character they look like me!
Doing swimming exercises hoping to gain some muscle and also because swimming is simply fun!
Enjoying The Summer!