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Hi! These are just random things we feel like telling people.
Free Palestine.

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cvni81 📚 13 days ago

working on a section on my page on all the free fonts i've acquired so far. rn it's just a few monospaced fonts but i have HUNDREDS of fonts

cvni81 💀 31 days ago


cvni81 📚 60 days ago

i added back the archive to my webbed site. it grows ever larger with each redesign.

cvni81 🏂 76 days ago

i feel like putting the godly amount of free ofl fonts i have on my website. that could be fun :3 uh uhhh ski

cvni81 🎶 82 days ago

the radiohead minidisks arent actually half bad tbh o.o

cvni81 🥳 84 days ago

after like. 2 years, my website finally has a marquee. i've done it

cvni81 😛 85 days ago

oops im onto my 8th website redesign im so sily

cvni81 ✏️ 142 days ago

i just added a Ton of doodles to my website -w- and i feel like experimenting with my site again yipee

cvni81 ✏️ 152 days ago

ive been working on a dingus project involving Indo-European languages and stuff, might put it in the website :3 oh and free palestine.

cvni81 🐱 183 days ago

meow :3

cvni81 🙃 192 days ago

my jaw dislocated i think

cvni81 😛 195 days ago

our website actually has a bunch of stuff now great! also they STILL didnt fix the layout on the homepage whyyyyy

cvni81 ✅ 206 days ago

from the river to the sea, palestine will be free

cvni81 💀 216 days ago

hey uh can the devs fix the wonky layout PLEASE IT'S BEEN MONTHS NOW

cvni81 📺 217 days ago

its cool seeing be so active!

cvni81 📺 241 days ago

free palestine!

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