Saw a witch in a pink cowboy hat.
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✿ 100% LUCKY DAY
are you happy? [y] [n]
What if there was a micro generation for babies born between 1999 and 2001 and they were called Y2Kabies.
[phone trills]
What is a dream?
I think I really must be an alien or something, because I keep saying things like, “being a human is such a strange experience.”
Almost noon and the moon is still shining high in the sky. She looks so strange and lovely that I couldn’t help but whisper, “you go, girl.”
[7:05am] Waiting for the bus. I see all these leaves on the ground and think, “who put these here?” Then I give them a little kick.
sweet + soft + in luv w/u
Every day is better than the last.
How are you liking earth so far?
Water evaporating from long, cement pavers looks like the hands of a giant rain god.
What’s your favorite color~? Right now I’m really into plum and lilac~!
i wanna b w/u
What if the people behind I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter came out with I Can’t Believe It’s Nut Butter.
Do you ever feel like an alien?
The Crocodile Tears™️ flavor you know and love—now with less sodium.
If you clap your hands just right, a bunch of sparkles will come out.
Concept: cereal for breakfast, but it’s notions and office supplies.