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✿ 100% LUCKY DAY


crayoncapsule ✏️ 188 days ago

Concept: a giraffe with a nose that looks like a snow-capped mountain who is always cold and sneezes snowflakes.

crayoncapsule 🤔 188 days ago

Did my mom get the expression “act your age, not your shoe size” from Prince or did he/she/they get it from her?

crayoncapsule ❄️ 189 days ago

[7:20am] Watching the snow fall and listening to disco. Immaculate vibe.

crayoncapsule 🥱 192 days ago

[10:55am] Waiting Room. I’m wearing a face mask, but I had two lattes at breakfast, so I popped a couple of ALTOIDS just in case.

crayoncapsule 🤖 192 days ago

My middle finger (right hand) isn’t bending the way it’s supposed to, so I can barely hold my marker. It’s wet outside—maybe I’m rusting??

crayoncapsule 👀 192 days ago

Somebody at this cafe keeps saying “exactly” and “amazing” and they sound JUST like Emma Stone, but I REFUSE to look and see if it’s her.

crayoncapsule ☕️ 192 days ago

[8:05am] Cafe. LEISURE’s “Back in Love” mellows through the speakers. Outside, someone films themself doing martial arts in the snow.

crayoncapsule ❄️ 193 days ago

[4:45am] We’ve got snow on CCTV.

crayoncapsule 😭 194 days ago

Can’t believe the MUSH★ROOM★LOVER sticker set is sold out at miniSUPER again!! This is…so harsh!!

crayoncapsule 👀 197 days ago

Really appreciating that the cafe at the end of the block is still decorated for Christmas AND Halloween.

crayoncapsule ✏️ 197 days ago

Concept: Starbucks spoof called Starshucks and it’s the most bashful coffee you’ve ever had.

crayoncapsule ❤️ 199 days ago

A second dog has appeared!! TT^TT

crayoncapsule ✏️ 199 days ago

Concept: a diary shared w/The Moon.

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