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✿ 100% LUCKY DAY
I’m making my own world.
Finally opened the MIDORI MD A5 w/Grid Block notebook that I got from Omoi Zakka and the paper is…so gorgeous!!
Trying to cut back on screen time that isn’t purposeful, but—ugh—it’s so tough!!
A bit under the weather today, but peeling a mandarin orange and thinking about how cute the pieces look all stacked up. [sniffle]
A blueberry lavender latte, a dapple of sunlight in the park, and the perfect pretzel tattoo.
Have you ever thought about ~happiness~ ??
Cantaloupe and watermelon are over!! This week is all about oranges and blueberries!!
Haven’t dared trying to update my profile to make it all cute, but that’s okay, because I’m still having a great time. ^^
What’s your favorite color~? Right now I’m really into silver and blue~!
A secret language just for You + Me.
[7:15am] Walking home. A remarkably cool breeze whips through the city. I start singing Morning Musume’s “Shouganai Yume Oibito.”
Finally went to Omoi Zakka. I got a grid notebook and both styles of the Strawberry Graffiti sticker sheet from miniSUPER Sticker Club. ^^
[6:00am] Grinding coffee beans and quietly dancing around the kitchen. If you listen closely, you might hear the Barbie soundtrack.
Just found out there’s a local stationery store that sells miniSUPER stickers. ^^
Passed a thai food restaurant today called Smile Cafe, and got an instant craving for papaya salad.
“When we go for coffee, let’s get the silliest lil drinks we can find.”
Barefoot on the stoop and eating fresh cut cantaloupe and watermelon. The lazy wheeze of a car’s engine makes me space out for a bit~
[5:15am] After a sudden rainstorm, early morning light reflects off stretches of wet pavement; blue everywhere.
Autocorrecting from “her” to “hee” because I text “tee hee” too much.