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corajjk 🍙 13 days ago

you're a flower and i'm a bee

corajjk 🍙 46 days ago

i missed you seokjin

corajjk 🍙 48 days ago

in tears while watching bangbangcon

corajjk 🍙 59 days ago

quiero flotar en el agua

corajjk 🍙 75 days ago

i hate how i want to do so many things but i don't know where to start

corajjk 🍙 88 days ago

there's nothing i hate more than writing an essay for something i have no interest in

corajjk 🍙 90 days ago

missing my father right now

corajjk 🍙 92 days ago

my obsession with taylor swift is back and i don't know how to feel about that

corajjk 🍙 93 days ago

losing my literal mind