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Just a 20-something Uber Driver from the Keystone State just trying to live life, one ride at a time.


connorthevgfan78 🫖 2 days ago

Discovered that "Pumpkin Spice Matcha Lattes" exist and that I love drinking them.

connorthevgfan78 🎮 3 days ago

Really wanting to replay Star Fox 64 for the thousandth time again.

connorthevgfan78 📚 6 days ago

Starting up school again tomorrow and I'm nowhere near ready.

connorthevgfan78 ✏️ 11 days ago

Drafting a blog post recounting my first time at a convention and it's already 12 pages long somehow.

connorthevgfan78 🍏 12 days ago

The new Spiced Apple Fanta flavor tastes odd, but I like it somehow.

connorthevgfan78 🤩 13 days ago

Went to a convention today and got to meet Squidward's Voice Actor!!! It was so cool to meet him in person and the convention was amazing.

connorthevgfan78 💻 22 days ago

Working on a new landing page for my site and it's looking great so far.

connorthevgfan78 📺 28 days ago

Currently watching an hours-long playthrough of a random 90s PC game. (I saw 10 seconds of footage from it in a LGR video and got curious)

connorthevgfan78 💤 32 days ago

Dreamt last night that someone set up a night club in my attic.

connorthevgfan78 🍔 33 days ago

Damn, I could use a box combo from Raising Cane's right about now.

connorthevgfan78 🎶 36 days ago

Been opening up and working on old FLStudio projects. Might release one of them soon.

connorthevgfan78 ⛳️ 37 days ago

Golf has to be the most boring sport ever. Wait, they added a windmill as an obstacle? Forget what I just said, let's play some mini-golf!!!

connorthevgfan78 📚 38 days ago

Finally listening to an audiobook that isn't true crime or a variation of "The History of *insert topic here*"

connorthevgfan78 🎮 41 days ago

There needs to be a scientific term for when you open up an old save in an open-world game and you have no idea what you were doing last.

connorthevgfan78 ☕️ 42 days ago

oh no, I drank coffee at like 7pm for some god forsaken reason and now I can't sleep.

connorthevgfan78 💻 43 days ago

Currently failing the "Try not to update your site every day (impossible)" challenge

connorthevgfan78 😭 44 days ago

Jeez I feel so overwhelmed with everything rn.

connorthevgfan78 🤔 44 days ago

Trying to figure out which of my dozens of projects to work on today...

connorthevgfan78 🌧️ 45 days ago

omg it's been weeks since we last got this much rain, or any rain at all for that matter.

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