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Just a 20-something Uber Driver from the Keystone State just trying to live life, one ride at a time.


connorthevgfan78 🌱 32 days ago

Need a break from technology sometime soon. Would love to just stay in a remote cabin for a week. No phones, no TV, just vibing in the woods

connorthevgfan78 ❄️ 52 days ago

-11°F low temp on Tuesday. Pennsylvania is about to turn into the North Pole. May Punxsutawney Phil have mercy on us all!!!

connorthevgfan78 📺 57 days ago

What's Linus Tech Tips doing on the Jimmy Fallon show???

connorthevgfan78 🚄 72 days ago

Fixing the trains on my Cities: Skylines save.

connorthevgfan78 🎬 93 days ago

Finally got around to watching the FNAF movie. Thought it was really good, can't wait for the sequel.

connorthevgfan78 💻 108 days ago

Jeez, I need to update my site. Haven't made changes to it in like a month, but haven't had time to add stuff to it because of work + school

connorthevgfan78 🎮 114 days ago

About to replay HL2 since the Anniversary Update came out!!

connorthevgfan78 📚 135 days ago

First term back at school done and over with. Now I just gotta get through the rest of them.

connorthevgfan78 💻 141 days ago

I need to redesign...everything about my website. It just feels like it could use a LOT of improvement.

connorthevgfan78 🍞 144 days ago

I need to figure out how to make the Texas Toast from Raising Cane's, like right effing now!!

connorthevgfan78 💻 149 days ago

Just found out another reason why quitting using WordPress was one of the best decisions I've made.

connorthevgfan78 📖 152 days ago

Hoping the Internet Archive comes back online soon...

connorthevgfan78 😴 160 days ago

Ready to fall asleep and stay there for, like, the next decade. I'm that tired.

connorthevgfan78 🎶 167 days ago

Feeling like I wanna cook up something in FLStudio again!! (It's gonna end badly, almost always does)

connorthevgfan78 💻 175 days ago

I am once again failing the "Try Not to Add a New Feature To Your Site Everyday Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)".

connorthevgfan78 🌧️ 175 days ago

Finally, I was wondering when the rain would show up again.

connorthevgfan78 😴 176 days ago

ofc I somehow slept through another major outage. One moment I asleep, the next moment I wake up and see Neocities's servers were on fire.

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