Need a break from technology sometime soon. Would love to just stay in a remote cabin for a week. No phones, no TV, just vibing in the woods

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Just a 20-something Uber Driver from the Keystone State just trying to live life, one ride at a time.
-11°F low temp on Tuesday. Pennsylvania is about to turn into the North Pole. May Punxsutawney Phil have mercy on us all!!!
What's Linus Tech Tips doing on the Jimmy Fallon show???
Fixing the trains on my Cities: Skylines save.
Finally got around to watching the FNAF movie. Thought it was really good, can't wait for the sequel.
head hurts, too much calculus homework.
Jeez, I need to update my site. Haven't made changes to it in like a month, but haven't had time to add stuff to it because of work + school
About to replay HL2 since the Anniversary Update came out!!
First term back at school done and over with. Now I just gotta get through the rest of them.
I need to redesign...everything about my website. It just feels like it could use a LOT of improvement.
I need to figure out how to make the Texas Toast from Raising Cane's, like right effing now!!
Just found out another reason why quitting using WordPress was one of the best decisions I've made.
Hoping the Internet Archive comes back online soon...
Ready to fall asleep and stay there for, like, the next decade. I'm that tired.
Feeling like I wanna cook up something in FLStudio again!! (It's gonna end badly, almost always does)
dang it, I overslept again.
I am once again failing the "Try Not to Add a New Feature To Your Site Everyday Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)".
Finally, I was wondering when the rain would show up again.
ofc I somehow slept through another major outage. One moment I asleep, the next moment I wake up and see Neocities's servers were on fire.