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coldandghostly 🌈 3 days ago

Been fiddling with animation too, you might have noticed a few of these animated graphics around the site.

coldandghostly 📰 3 days ago

I made so many stamps while on holiday

coldandghostly ☀️ 29 days ago

Updated the shrine directory so it wouldn't look as boring.

coldandghostly 💔 29 days ago

Rip Alcatraz, forever in our hearts. How can you cut him but not Slim as well, theyre the same character!

coldandghostly 🌈 40 days ago

Added a specific section for cool shrines on the links page.

coldandghostly 🤖 54 days ago

I've been trying to remember to put ai disturbance on my art lately, and it's not so ugly as to ruin a peice or not be worth it. But man...

coldandghostly ❤️ 57 days ago

Added some ramblings to the ee shrine, nothing big.

coldandghostly 🙂 60 days ago

Re-ordered the links page a bit so its not as overwhelming

coldandghostly 🙂 61 days ago

Got an idea for a new section on the ee shrine, but boy is it gonna take some writing. I might have to rewatch the series for it

coldandghostly 🎨 74 days ago

been doing a bunch of these simple emotes lately. not for any reason, just cus their fast and easy to do when bored.

coldandghostly 🤖 76 days ago

optimising a bunch of my images, this is so tedious.

coldandghostly 🌈 77 days ago

Updated my gallery, non of that flakey flicker shit anymore.

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