its my bday today!!! im officially 21

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yayyy for the weekend
im still so devastated about david lynch like this world is sick and cruel
gelphie should just be happy together WHHYYYY MUST THE WORLD BE SO CRUEL
i hate this place
gifcities come back to me....
been watching so much star trek lately that ive been responding to everything with "fascinating"
playing mother 1 and just got to the part where ninten and ana dance together......why dont we just all kill ourselves
thinking about liv4brutality yuri rn
just waiting for liv morgan to walk out...
literally insane about xena and gabrielle and i haven't even finished s1
you just know i am listening to eclipse by kim lip today on repeat (illegally)
i need the weather to be nice...IMMEDIATELY
Just had a dream about the girl I had a crush on since third grade, like girl she goes to Princeton now just give up
happy twin peaks day to all who celebrate
kinda going through some ffvii brainrot rn... AERTI TRUTHERS RISE!
can't stop thinking about faith and buffy AGAIN
i think i just saw this girl i knew from middle school an im kinda freaking out. she was like the coolest person to me back then
thinking about rei asaka right now
cant believe there is a new sunny day real estate song