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sonic / puppy / kangel / ame
adhd ocd dpd
the internet angel is here!!!!!

read my carrd!


chowolattou 🌙 359 days ago

im single again yall but im probably gonna stay single n stuffs

chowolattou 🌈 399 days ago

life has been .. a lot but, i love my partner sosososo much !! im rlly happy i met them this year!! school is draining but ill manage :'3

chowolattou 🎤 502 days ago

i passed the radical highway level in sonic world!!! finally omg

chowolattou 🌧️ 507 days ago

have i ever told u how much i love my beloved? i love them so much theyre so perfect eee!!!!

chowolattou 🌧️ 510 days ago

playing vrchat alone... i miss my partner

chowolattou 🌧️ 519 days ago

hjhgse sleepy but im not going to sleep or nap !!!

chowolattou 🌧️ 532 days ago

drawing with a mouse sure is hard lol

chowolattou 🌧️ 538 days ago

its been a while hi i feel awful

chowolattou 🌧️ 553 days ago

heheheh sonadow memories <3333 i miss him hh

chowolattou 🌧️ 559 days ago

ive been drawing ! though i lost motivations a lot but i still like to draw.

chowolattou 🌧️ 585 days ago

i hate how i relate to a certain character who has lost her true self man

chowolattou 🌧️ 614 days ago

hello people ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎

chowolattou 🌧️ 615 days ago

vry sleepie and it is midnight ,, still wont sleep though