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hheeellllooo, if your here why not check out my website and send a message

p.s. something might happen if you hover over the icon

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background from and icon by wooma/wo_ma.1109 on insta

⬇ go further down the rabbit hole?


chione ☀️ 60 days ago


chione ☀️ 60 days ago

master of eternity m.o.e

chione 📺 65 days ago

tinnitus and visual snow nights

chione ✏️ 65 days ago

will join matrix and guilded soon~ so lazy recently

chione ✈️ 65 days ago

Ship of Theseus... mmmhh

chione 🤖 75 days ago

all u want is for me to work 24/7

chione ☀️ 76 days ago

spring cleaning

chione 💤 83 days ago

planning on adding themes to the website using sccs.. going to take a long while

chione 🌙 83 days ago

as a adult i'm happy i survived my school years ~~ these days are a blessing compared to that ~~

chione 😭 85 days ago

why is finding a good tumblr theme so hard aarrrgguuuaiawhoihhehuuueweeeu

chione ❄️ 87 days ago

if there were no books and anime, if they all disappeared.. what on earth would happen to introverts and shut-ins

chione ❄️ 88 days ago

damn, my head no brain, it's really itchy

chione ❄️ 91 days ago

soo noisy >_> hard to focus ... welp ;;

chione ❄️ 96 days ago


chione ❄️ 97 days ago

raised by a culture that only lives online

chione ❄️ 114 days ago

denpa days

chione ❄️ 114 days ago

i want to jump into those shallow eyes

chione ❄️ 115 days ago


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