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chimera 💻 6 days ago

actually doing site development! O_O

chimera 🙂 16 days ago

THANK YOU for over 4000 hits on!

chimera 🐶 18 days ago

>fuck up your life

chimera 🐶 22 days ago

the animal gets no breaks

chimera 🐶 23 days ago

please snap out of it

chimera 🐶 29 days ago

been having nightmares for a week x.x

chimera 💀 38 days ago

it's so hard to keep up... but i'm trying...!!!

chimera 💤 49 days ago

not well enough for updates lately, sorry.

chimera 💤 56 days ago

no, too sore to work x.x

chimera ✏️ 56 days ago

starting to work on the pokewalker pages...

chimera 💤 62 days ago

i want to work on my pokefarm page... T.T

chimera 🐶 65 days ago

debugging never stops, never ends

chimera 🙃 66 days ago

can we please kill cloudflare

chimera 💤 72 days ago

too much i want to do x.x can't do it all...

chimera 😎 75 days ago

fibro awareness day... See me

chimera 😡 76 days ago


chimera 💔 82 days ago

yep. time for melodramatic fanart

chimera 😭 84 days ago

i think i have adhd i blacked out and downloaded 3gb of pokemon footage mid convo

chimera 💻 84 days ago

i'm working on converting old pages, so please excuse the bugs!

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