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chausiie 🌧️ 1 day ago

FINALLY done with my petz crew, now i feel like i can focus on other things :9

chausiie 💻 14 days ago

preparing to remove any 404s and adding pages onto my website let's gooo

chausiie 🌱 24 days ago

soooo much to think about, it's a little overwhelming but i just have to break it all into pieces and take it in one at a time ;;

chausiie 📚 42 days ago

things piled together so im organizing things again, very excited now that i have sundays off too :p

chausiie 🌈 91 days ago

i think i made way too many cookies and brownies

chausiie 📚 98 days ago

so much to doooooooooo aaaaahghhhhg

chausiie 🥗 168 days ago

i fucking love caesar salad

chausiie 🍾 231 days ago

lethal company with my friends is sooo fun wtf. i love the eyeless dogs and the bracken!! so interesting!

chausiie ☀️ 252 days ago

made so much progress today :) im so proud of myself

chausiie 🧀 255 days ago

soooooo busy!!!! life is too much about work, and im going to be using that energy for myself!

chausiie 🌱 361 days ago

feeling renewed!

chausiie 🤐 419 days ago

skeletons from my past miss me and i wish they would just disappear

chausiie 🌈 422 days ago

its june!!!!

chausiie 📰 422 days ago

being there for my coworkers is important as a supervisor. the new manager is cruel to them so i reported his ass to HR. he makes me ill lol

chausiie ✨ 425 days ago

website is almost at a point where i'd label it 1.0!!

chausiie 🌱 426 days ago


chausiie 📰 428 days ago

every other day i fist fight html

chausiie 💤 432 days ago

late night headachesss

chausiie 🥱 435 days ago

finally got a day off, been working on my site the whole day. moving things from notion to here- keeping myself on track decently well

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