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I'm Charbomber. IDC about my Status Cafe information as much :] If you want to know more about me, visit my website.


charbomber 💻 144 days ago

I just learned Linux are the thigh-highs next you gotta tell me

charbomber 🧐 229 days ago

Five Fucks given at This Game has released (it became midnight in the timezone of my friend who's birthday it is now so it's out early)

charbomber 😎 233 days ago

How I live knowing Five Fucks given at This Game (best FNAF game in nearly 10 years now) releases in 4 days

charbomber 🙂 240 days ago

You should join my forum

charbomber 💀 249 days ago

I haven't updated my website in a year whoops

charbomber 🤩 542 days ago

My game FINALLY came out after 2 years. Fucking, finally.

charbomber 😎 542 days ago

My game releases in 7 minutes