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cepheus | he/him | 20s | UK
fan of yellow things, y2k nostalgia, sad cartoons & techno music. i have a blog where i write about stuff, practice coding & post poetry/other creations.
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cepheus 😭 2 days ago

does anyone remember when people would write ‘reviews’ of each other’s sites?? some of then were SAVAGE

cepheus 💤 3 days ago

tired but head full of thoughts. save me melatonin save me

cepheus 🙂 28 days ago

for anyone wondering i got accepted onto my MA course! also free palestine x

cepheus 😱 228 days ago

got my master’s course interview today, wish me luck x

cepheus ✏️ 235 days ago

i really need to write a blog post for my site

cepheus 🥳 237 days ago

FINALLY got some damn inspiration for my site’s portfolio revamp

cepheus 😡 238 days ago

body dysmorphia i hate you so much!!!

cepheus 🎶 241 days ago

hungry for spotify wrapped atp

cepheus 🤒 242 days ago

really not ready for another week of work yet

cepheus 👽 243 days ago

still vibing from that new doctor who episode ngl

cepheus ❄️ 245 days ago

brrrr it’s cold out here. and by out here i mean indoors bc the heating hasn’t been on in the last 0.5 seconds

cepheus 🙂 509 days ago

applied for some jobs. now back to re-watching archer vice

cepheus ☕️ 510 days ago

out of milk but at least i also like black coffee!

cepheus 💀 642 days ago

OOPS guess i've been gone a while. i'm not dead though. also i saw rina sawayama recently & she was sooo good

cepheus ✨ 768 days ago

I actually love having keyboard clicks switched on so much

cepheus 🤒 768 days ago

i hate being hungover

cepheus ✨ 769 days ago

ready to get crunk (not really tho i'm too skint)

cepheus 👽 776 days ago

really obsessed with that dalle AI image generator lmao

cepheus 🍱 780 days ago

my diet is so bad atm :/

cepheus ✏️ 781 days ago

new blog post on my site if you’re interested

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