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current mood: The current mood of censorine at www.imood.com


censorine 🎱 240 days ago

it's so offensive to be an object that feels. they don't want material to adore and worship their assembly lines and die cutting machines...

censorine 🙃 255 days ago

inverting the social order from the comfort of my own home

censorine 🔥 256 days ago

doing something today that is entirely dangerous, reckless, selfish, and most certainly evil... wish me luck!

censorine 😇 263 days ago

coming to earth like can anyone help me be more of an animal i only know how to be a god..

censorine 🐱 266 days ago

time to be productive, we get one week of depression inertia and now it's back to the grind of suffering (innocently)!!!!!!

censorine ❤️ 269 days ago

Evoking Satan from inside my computer

censorine 👽 271 days ago

i'm literally visiting earth from another dimension right now

censorine ❄️ 273 days ago

i'm coming closer to the flame not to burn, but to extinguish ♡

censorine ✈️ 277 days ago

ten thousand tissues

censorine 😡 278 days ago

creator of spam bots are sent to their own special hell where they all scream the same sentences at each other for eternity

censorine ❤️ 280 days ago

♡ war metal, lavender soap, peppermint oil, diffused eucalyptus, 80% humidity, two anointed black candles, charcoal, computer monitor

censorine ❤️ 282 days ago

it's so fascinating how younger people design their sites. you can really tell the differences between tech mediums. i love seeing time

censorine 👽 283 days ago

redesigned a lot of pages, it feels nice... i will be safe and secure in this aesthetic. i will not deviate from this category.

censorine 🔥 285 days ago

the perfect conformist made in a secret government lab >

censorine 😇 299 days ago

satanist webring

censorine 🎱 306 days ago

a site map is so intimidating to me because i'm scared of what i might find between the pages. some things are meant to remain hidden...

censorine 👽 309 days ago

holding back tears because apparently, my main page alone emits the amount of carbon that 18 trees absorb in a year. felony eco-criminal tbh

censorine 🎲 310 days ago

on a conformist's high, though i've been sober for years. my addiction to data stockpiling & css nitpicking is my digital substance abuse

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