ougnh i got plany of time
- Homepage
- https://celestialoracle.neocities.org/
- ranaveris@outlook.com
- About
I've given myself two weeks to get this chapter done. If there isn't a deadline I'll get nothing done at all.
Made good progress today! I should be proud of myself- and I am.
Big things are coming. I just know it. Good things, I hope.
Between classes, three whole 12 hour shifts, and my compulsion to play the sims for 14 hours straight... I have not gotten much art done.
If I have to cycle through one more writing software, I don't know what I'm gonna do.
If my scanner doesn't work i am going to eat an entire pair of paints
I love my friends so much!
So much to do and so little time... but I love what I do.
Happy 2023! Currently juggling three drinks at once at a party...
Got that fancy set of watercolors I've been eyeing for about a year. I am happy, but my wallet is not.
Almost done with one of my many projects! I will appreciate having that out of the way.