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casimirian 🙃 393 days ago

i don't enjoy anything about my profession

casimirian 🙃 395 days ago

library ignoring my inter-library loan requests

casimirian 😭 397 days ago

why do i keep thinking of embarrassing things i did in the past

casimirian 🧐 400 days ago

installed debian on all the machines

casimirian 💻 401 days ago

upgraded my laptop's RAM with some spare parts

casimirian 😴 401 days ago

no late night writing tonight, study hour was a bit boring

casimirian 🙂 402 days ago

thinks that hermit is always a good alternative to graduate school

casimirian 💀 402 days ago

thinking about re-enrolling

casimirian 🤖 402 days ago

learning about nix this morning

casimirian 🤐 403 days ago

realized 2017 was over 5 years ago.

casimirian 🐱 404 days ago

wrote in my Dreamwidth diary, took a walk, ate some cashews

casimirian 🧐 405 days ago

wrote words in story-form rather than essay-form

casimirian 📚 405 days ago

walked to the bookstore

casimirian 🙂 406 days ago

Created a account.