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cannibalcats ❄️ 1 day ago

i've had a headache all day </3. I also might move more things around on my site

cannibalcats 🙂 1 day ago

i've had a headache all day </3. I also might move more things around on my site

cannibalcats ✨ 10 days ago

i get my drains out tomorrow . yay

cannibalcats 🍦 12 days ago

my friend is visiting today with ice cream :3

cannibalcats 💾 13 days ago

back to working on my website... I feel like im always poking at something on here.

cannibalcats 🙂 45 days ago

On summer break :] I might redo my entire neocities homepage

cannibalcats ✏️ 95 days ago

dealing with final projects I am soo stressed.

cannibalcats 💤 101 days ago

it's finally warm outside again

cannibalcats ☀️ 173 days ago

Finally working on my blog!