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A chibi fullbody pixel drawing of a brown and cream colored oriental short hair fursona with medium length black hair and glasses wearing a black arcade carpet patterned button up and grey pants with his right arm up with a downturned peace sign and a hand on his hip smirking The status page for my website! I update this every once and awhile with whatever is on my mind at that specific moment. Feel free to subscribe to the RSS feed here to know when I post new statuses


cadeion 🔥 22 days ago

Gallagher’s strongest warrior (I love him I need him)

cadeion ⛵ 39 days ago


cadeion ⛵ 59 days ago

I need the $300 Zelda Lego set so badly guys

cadeion 🐱 69 days ago

They could never make me hate you Izutsumi

cadeion 🐱 85 days ago

Thinking about Kabru, my beloved

cadeion 🌮 134 days ago

Met another transmasc person who’s also obsessed with Taco Bell and Baja blast💪

cadeion 💔 140 days ago

They weren’t lying, the fictional crush you get at age 13 is permanent

cadeion 🔥 148 days ago

Haircut acquired

cadeion ☀️ 150 days ago

IM FINALLY GETTING A HAIRCUT (it’s been 7 months since my last one)

cadeion 🌈 153 days ago

It’s finally spring break yippieiee

cadeion 🌙 172 days ago

I forgot I had a status thing hai everyone

cadeion 💔 271 days ago

Seymour Krelborn is such a boy failure I wish I was him

cadeion 🌱 273 days ago

I haven’t had a completely new fixation in so long I forgot what this felt like hhgdbbsn

cadeion 💻 275 days ago

If school wasn’t beating my ass right now you bet I would be playing TOTK

cadeion ✏️ 276 days ago

Thinking about making another TLOZ oc (and shipping him with Link)

cadeion ✨ 278 days ago

Really want to go back on again

cadeion ☀️ 280 days ago

Dawn of A New Day: It’s my 19th birthday :3

cadeion 🌙 281 days ago

Dawn of The Final Day: 24 Hours Remain (19th Birthday)

cadeion 🌙 282 days ago

Dawn of The Second Day: 48 Hours Remain (19th birthday)

cadeion 🌙 283 days ago

Dawn of The First Day: 72 Hours Remain (19th birthday)

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