My friend group is playing minecraft again, so thats pretty epic
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I've somehow gotten myself into Magic The Gathering, my brother and a few friends have been playing commander... and its a blast lol
In act 3 in baldurs gate, an absolute blast!
Been playing Baldur's Gate 3 with the GF, we have been having an absolute blast!
On we go to another week of work... Im going to work on some Blender this week methinks!
I think I'm on the upswing of this. We got his ashes on Saturday, and my girlfriend and I have been grieving together, things are getting be
He didn't make it. This is the 2nd pet I've lost in the last six months... He was so sweet and tiny I miss him so much.
Our new kitten Romulus has a hernia and is going in for surgery :( if you see this please wish him good luck
finally starting to be able to work from home again, thank god. Grinding out work and some OSRS woodcutting!
got my art in an RSS feed!
New Kitty has been laying on me non stop, I'm melting 😭
Love riding the bicycle, hate that it's to go into the office
Watched the nice guys today, pretty good!