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they/them • 33 • friendly neighborhood autist 🌈 🧠


blakasmoko 😴 3 days ago

I will say that moving most of the boxes into the back room has done wonders for my stress. Hopefully a second GreenDrop trip does as well

blakasmoko 😴 3 days ago

I know it won't be much longer and I've gotten a lot done already, but sooooo much still has to be done before the 31st

blakasmoko 😴 3 days ago

tired of the brainfog, tired of restlessness, tired of seeing boxes everywhere

blakasmoko 😴 3 days ago

move-in day is in less than two weeks, and I'm more than ready for this all to be over

blakasmoko 💀 10 days ago

I want to say I'm about halfway (or more than halfway) done packing, but at what cost...I'm running on fumes over here

blakasmoko 🫖 11 days ago

feeling a teensy bit better now that I've donated a trunkload of stuff to Greendrop and my packing piles are getting smaller

blakasmoko 😭 12 days ago

not helped by the fact that moving is absolutely stressing me out and I'm tired of being a headless chicken

blakasmoko 😭 12 days ago

worked myself into a grouchy frenzy after sleeping in and having to miss Mass...stupid Daylight Savings Time

blakasmoko 💀 13 days ago

can't wait until I'm on the otherside of moving, I'll be so happy not to look at another box for as long as I live

blakasmoko 🙃 14 days ago

just a cruel, racist, repulsive ideology that so many people either hold or don't consider a dealbreaker b/c 'muh egg prices'

blakasmoko 🙃 14 days ago

I gave up doomscrolling BlueSky for Lent b/c it causes me genuinely strong wrath, but it's Trumpist fascism that does more than anything

blakasmoko 💻 16 days ago

tax season is just me recovering password after password to access sites I only visit once a year for forms

blakasmoko 💀 17 days ago

on a scale of 1 to Democratic Party under Trump's second term, how embarassingly cucked are you?

blakasmoko 🍔 17 days ago

air-frying really is a recurring experience of being amazed at how much it improves crappy frozen food you eat

blakasmoko 🙃 17 days ago

I want all of this moving stuff to be done and over with. I'm not even halfway done packing and I'm already sick of seeing/unfolding boxes

blakasmoko 🥱 17 days ago

Really not in a working mood today...just want to crawl under my weighted blanket and snooze.

blakasmoko 🫖 18 days ago

went and forgot my good tea at home, now I'm using my crappy back-up teabags ugh...

blakasmoko 💀 20 days ago

reminded that algospeak is A Thing and hoo boy does that still creep me tf out

blakasmoko 🙂 21 days ago

OH ALSO I ought to make my own social media icons, many of the ones I found are either out-of-date or look weird with my layout

blakasmoko 🙂 21 days ago

it feels almost blasphemous to convert MIDI files to MP3, but modern browsers down support playing them anymore

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