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✫ a bug in a solaruim ✫

currently feeling The current mood of beesilisk at


beesilisk 👽 18 hours ago

having to translate my thoughts into words that make sense to others might be my own personal sisyphean task

beesilisk 🙂 4 days ago

how to use Ruby on a Windows PC: Step 1) install Linux

beesilisk 😶 5 days ago

ive gotten so rusty at python this is embarrassing

beesilisk 🙂 6 days ago

spotify wont stop recommending this one artist i hate, and at this point im tempted to completely change my music taste as a solution

beesilisk 🙃 9 days ago

im a bit self-conscious about posting my study notes, but other ppl are using chatgpt to study so i guess the bar is on the floor

beesilisk 🥺 9 days ago

just escaped my 2 1/2 hour phone call purgatory

beesilisk 💡 13 days ago

i cant promise my upcoming site update will be """good""" but itll at least have a dumb useless feature that amuses me greatly

beesilisk 💔 17 days ago

maaaan reddit would be a great website if it wasnt so reddit

beesilisk 🐱 19 days ago

whooa there are animals at the zoo? on purpose???

beesilisk ☀️ 22 days ago

ohhh i think i get the hype for vscode

beesilisk 🥳 23 days ago

okay i think (fingers crossed) ive made this laptop functional which means I HAVE A NEW (secondhand formerly broken) LAPTOP!!!

beesilisk ❤️ 23 days ago

my site reached its first 1000 views! i shall celebrate by trying to resurrect a broken laptop (was gonna do that anyway)

beesilisk 🍾 25 days ago

RIP Paint 3D; long live Blender

beesilisk 😇 27 days ago

MY DAILY AFFIRMATIONS: deployment automation is easy. workflows make perfect sense to me. i am not intimidated by github actions

beesilisk 🥺 30 days ago

i hope theres an alternate reality where my work doesnt make me use microsoft products

beesilisk 🍔 33 days ago

finished reading dunmeshi today. it good

beesilisk 🥹 36 days ago

i think batch scripts are kinda cute

beesilisk 🙂 37 days ago

do i update my status too often? experts who just so happen to agree with all my opinions say no

beesilisk 📺 37 days ago

ive heard bitches say chromatic aberration is an overused effect but that just makes me love it even more

beesilisk 🥃 38 days ago

energy drink take the wheel

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