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beeep 🎱 8 days ago

Haven't felt this giddy in a while!

beeep 🥳 59 days ago

I'm moving!

beeep 💤 87 days ago

Whole body hurts... need to TCOB today but so tired

beeep 😯 100 days ago

Big thing come soon

beeep ☀️ 109 days ago

Sunshine and planetary overlap got me feelin OPTIMISTIC

beeep 💤 111 days ago

Took instagram off my phone...want to log out...tune out....don't want to know

beeep 🤒 289 days ago

All I wanna do is spend money but I ain't GOT NONE

beeep 🤖 297 days ago

Woof, rough day

beeep 🧀 298 days ago

Need 2 pay billz n grocery shop :-/

beeep 💔 300 days ago

Really wish I had the capacity to leave the house and have a good time

beeep 🙃 304 days ago

I do feel bad when I doordash Taco Bell from the next town over however it will not stop me from getting my breakfast crunchwrap

beeep 🤒 305 days ago

Thought I was over my cold but it hit me like a freight train this morning

beeep 🎶 308 days ago

Finally setting up the iPod I got at the flea market last year!

beeep 💀 309 days ago

Why can I never just feel good why gotta be sick ALWAYS

beeep 🤒 314 days ago

Woke up with a headache

beeep ✅ 315 days ago

Fucking irritated

beeep 😶 319 days ago

Am I ever gonna feel better? So tired, so dizzy, so worried

beeep 💔 321 days ago

No motivation no energy

beeep 💤 323 days ago

Nap time!

beeep 😇 327 days ago

Loving these little 4 hour shifts at work

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